MyRehab Private Addiction Centre

May 2024 is Mental Health Awareness Month!

Our Evidence-Based Approach to Recovery:

At MyRehab, we prioritize an evidence-based approach that stands at the forefront of addiction recovery. Understanding that each individual’s journey towards healing is unique, our program is rooted in scientifically validated treatments and methodologies. This approach not only ensures the effectiveness of our interventions but also respects the complexity of addiction as an interplay of psychological, biological, and sociocultural factors. By combining the latest research in addiction science with compassionate, personalized care, we offer a path to recovery that is both innovative and grounded in proven strategies. Our commitment to an evidence-based approach empowers our clients, facilitating lasting change and a stronger foundation for relapse prevention and long-term well-being. This cornerstone principle sets MyRehab apart, making us a leader in transforming lives and fostering sustainable recovery.

Understanding Our Treatment Philosophy:

At the heart of MyRehab’s approach to overcoming addiction is a groundbreaking treatment philosophy that redefines traditional perspectives. Moving away from viewing addiction solely as a primary illness, we embrace a comprehensive model that recognizes the multifaceted nature of addiction—acknowledging the critical intersections of biological predispositions, psychological influences, and sociocultural contexts. This philosophy is grounded in the principle of dual diagnosis, where we address not only the addiction but also any underlying mental health conditions, fostering a holistic path to recovery .

Our treatment philosophy is centered on facilitating a transition from a state of denial to an awakening of self-awareness. We aim to dismantle the stigma associated with addiction, replacing it with empathy, understanding, and a focus on the individual as a whole. Our ultimate objective is to empower those we serve to achieve self-efficacy, enabling them to navigate the challenges of addiction with resilience and to pursue a fulfilling life free from the constraints of substance dependency.

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By advocating for this mature and nuanced understanding of addiction, MyRehab offers a nurturing environment where individuals are seen, heard, and supported through every step of their recovery journey. Our philosophy underpins every aspect of our program, from initial assessment to ongoing care, ensuring that treatment is not only effective but also transformative.

The MyRehab Recovery Journey: Phases Explained:

The MyRehab recovery journey is strategically structured into three intensive phases—Intervention, Treatment, and Extended Care—designed to guide individuals toward sustainable recovery over a maximum duration of three months. This phased approach facilitates a focused and progressive recovery experience, tailored to address the unique challenges and milestones associated with each stage of the process.


Marking the beginning of the recovery journey, this phase concentrates on helping individuals acknowledge their addiction, overcome denial, and commit to seeking help. It is aimed at preparing individuals for the transformative journey ahead, ensuring they feel supported and understood from the onset.


The core of the MyRehab program, this phase delves into comprehensive therapeutic interventions. Leveraging the expertise of our multidisciplinary team, we implement a variety of evidence-based treatments to address the root causes of addiction, alongside any co-occurring mental health disorders.

Extended Care:

Recognizing that recovery is an ongoing process, the Extended Care phase emphasizes relapse prevention and the maintenance of sobriety. It includes continued support and counseling, alongside the implementation of lifestyle changes and strategies to reinforce the skills learned during treatment. 

By outlining these phases, MyRehab provides a clear, strategic path to recovery, making the journey less daunting and more manageable for those grappling with addiction. This staged approach not only enhances the effectiveness of the recovery process but also instills hope and confidence in individuals, encouraging them to persevere through each phase toward a healthier, sober life.

Meet Our Multidisciplinary Treatment Team: (MDT)

At MyRehab, we believe that the cornerstone of effective addiction treatment lies in the hands of our highly qualified and integrated multidisciplinary team (MDT). Our team is a diverse and dynamic collective of professionals, including clinical psychologists, counselling psychologists, medical doctors, occupational therapists, social workers, and registered counsellors. Each member brings specialized expertise, allowing for a holistic and comprehensive approach to addiction recovery.

Our MDT collaborates closely, ensuring that every aspect of a client’s journey is supported. From the initial assessment through to the completion of the treatment and extended care phases, our team employs evidence-based strategies tailored to the individual’s needs. This collaborative effort fosters a nurturing and empathetic environment, vital for the healing process.

Clinical Psychologists

work with clients to address complex mental health issues, employing therapeutic techniques to explore underlying causes of addiction.

Counselling Psychologists

offer emotional support and guidance, helping clients develop coping strategies and build resilience.

Medical Doctors

monitor the physical health of clients, managing withdrawal symptoms and recommending appropriate medical interventions.

Occupational Therapists

focus on improving clients’ daily functioning and autonomy through therapeutic activities.

Social Workers

provide support with social and environmental issues, aiding in the reintegration into society.

Case Managers

serve as the pivotal link between clients and their recovery journey, coordinating treatment plans and communication across the team. 

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Admission Criteria: Is MyRehab Right for You?

MyRehab has established specific admission criteria to ensure that our program is appropriately matched to the needs of those seeking help for addiction recovery. Our goal is to provide an environment that is both conducive to healing and tailored to the individual needs of our clients. The admission process is designed to assess these criteria closely, guaranteeing that incoming clients are positioned to benefit maximally from our comprehensive treatment approach.

Candidates for MyRehab’s program are typically individuals experiencing the detrimental effects of addiction on their personal, professional, and social lives. Our team looks for signs of readiness for change and a commitment to participate fully in the recovery process. While we recognize that reaching out for help is a significant step, it’s crucial that applicants acknowledge the need for change and exhibit willingness to engage with our treatment philosophy.

Key Criteria for Admission Include:

Acknowledgment of Addiction:

An understanding or willingness to understand the nature of one’s addiction and its impact.

Readiness for Change:

Motivation towards recovery, whether it’s self-motivated or influenced by external factors.

Mental and Physical Preparedness:

The capacity to engage in the treatment process, supported by an initial assessment by our multidisciplinary team.

Agreement to Participate:

Commitment to adhere to the program’s rules and actively participate in the planned activities and therapies.

Medical and Psychological Screening:

A comprehensive screening to identify any co-occurring mental health disorders and evaluate overall health status.

Our administrative team aids in arranging pre-authorization from the patient’s medical aid, ensuring that prospective clients understand their coverage and are prepared for the financial aspects of treatment. By meticulously reviewing these criteria during the admission process, MyRehab ensures that each individual embarks on a recovery journey that is not only feasible but also transformative, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

Comprehensive Treatment Model: Our Services:

MyRehab’s treatment model is an embodiment of our commitment to offering a comprehensive, holistic approach to addiction recovery. Central to our model is the belief that effective treatment must cater to the needs of the whole person—addressing physical health, mental well-being, emotional resilience, and social reintegration simultaneously. Our services are designed to facilitate a transformative healing process, guided by our evidence-based philosophy and delivered through our multidisciplinary team’s collective expertise.

Core Components of Our Comprehensive Treatment Model Include:

Individual Therapy:

Tailored psychological support focusing on underlying issues contributing to addiction, facilitated by our clinical and counseling psychologists.

Group Therapy:

Sessions that foster community support, shared experiences, and the development of social skills crucial for recovery.

Medical Supervision:

Ongoing health assessments and interventions managed by our medical staff to address physical aspects of addiction and ensure safety during detoxification.

Occupational Therapy:

Activities aimed at rebuilding daily living skills, enhancing independence, and promoting a balanced lifestyle.

Social Work Support:

Guidance and advocacy in addressing social, environmental, and family challenges associated with addiction.

Nutritional Counseling:

Advice and plans developed by nutrition experts to support physical recovery and promote overall health.

Relapse Prevention Planning:

Strategies developed in collaboration with clients to identify triggers, manage stress, and prevent relapse.

Extended Care Services:

Continued access to counseling and support groups, ensuring clients remain supported in their journey post-treatment.

Our treatment model also extends to specialized training for families and loved ones, empowering them with the knowledge and skills needed to support the recovery process. We understand the importance of a supportive environment for sustainable recovery and strive to involve family members in the rehabilitation journey.

At MyRehab, we constantly evolve our services to incorporate the latest evidence-based practices in addiction treatment. Our comprehensive treatment model not only addresses the immediate challenges of addiction but also lays the groundwork for lasting change, enabling clients to lead fulfilling lives free from the constraints of substance dependency.

From Pre-Admission to Recovery: What to Expect:

Embarking on a journey towards recovery with MyRehab is a structured and supportive process, designed to provide clarity and ease at every step. From the moment you reach out to us, our team ensures a seamless transition through the phases of pre-admission, treatment, and into recovery. Here’s what you can expect:


1. Initial Contact:

Upon reaching out to MyRehab, you’ll be greeted by our friendly and knowledgeable admissions team, ready to answer your questions and guide you through the initial stages.

2. Assessment:

A comprehensive evaluation is conducted to understand your specific situation, addiction severity, and any co-occurring mental health issues. This includes a psychological assessment and a medical evaluation to ensure that our program is suited to your needs.

3. Financial Arrangements:

Our administrative staff will assist in arranging pre-authorization from your medical aid, clarifying your coverage, and discussing financial options to ensure the process is transparent and manageable.

4. Preparation for Admission:

We provide guidance on what to bring, what to expect, and how to prepare for your stay at MyRehab, making the transition as smooth as possible.

Treatment Phase:

Intensive Care:

You will be introduced to your multidisciplinary treatment team, including your case manager, who will coordinate your care throughout your stay. The treatment phase is customized to your needs, incorporating individual therapy, group sessions, medical supervision, and complementary therapies.

Progress Evaluation:

Regular evaluations will be conducted to monitor your progress, adjust your treatment plan as needed, and ensure that you are actively moving towards your recovery goals.

Recovery and Beyond:

Transition Planning:

As you progress through treatment, we start planning for your life post-rehabilitation. This includes relapse prevention strategies, ongoing support options, and integration services to ease your return to daily life.

Extended Care:

MyRehab offers extended care services, providing you with continued access to support groups and counseling as you navigate the challenges and successes of recovery outside the rehabilitation setting.

Family Involvement:

We believe in the power of a supportive environment, hence, involving families throughout the treatment process and offering education and counseling to build a robust support system for you.

Starting your recovery journey with MyRehab is about more than just treating addiction; it’s about transforming your life. Our comprehensive and compassionate approach ensures that from pre-admission to recovery, you feel supported, validated, and hopeful about your future.

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Why Choose Us: Our Unique Approach to Addiction Treatment:

Choosing MyRehab for addiction treatment means placing your trust in a center that stands apart with its innovative and comprehensive approach. Our unique treatment philosophy recognizes addiction as a multifaceted condition, necessitating a multi-dimensional treatment strategy. Here’s what sets MyRehab apart:

Evidence-Based Practices:

At the core of our approach is the steadfast commitment to evidence-based practices. Our treatment programs are grounded in the most current research and methodologies in the field of addiction recovery, ensuring you receive the most effective care.

Integrated Multidisciplinary Team:

Our diverse team of healthcare professionals works in harmony to provide holistic treatment. Combining the expertise of clinical psychologists, medical doctors, occupational therapists, and more, our approach addresses all aspects of addiction, including any co-occurring mental health issues.

Personalized Care:

Recognizing that no two journeys to recovery are the same, we emphasize personalized care. Every treatment plan is tailored to the individual’s needs, preferences, and circumstances. This bespoke approach maximizes the potential for recovery and long-term success.

Ethical and Compassionate Support:

Guided by HPCSA ethics, MyRehab fosters a supportive and non-judgmental environment. We prioritize your dignity and privacy, offering a safe space where you can explore vulnerabilities and foster growth.

Comprehensive Recovery Model:

Beyond addressing immediate addiction concerns, our model encompasses emotional, psychological, physical, and social rehabilitation. From individual therapy and group sessions to occupational therapy and nutritional counseling, our expansive suite of services ensures a rounded path to recovery.

Community and Belonging:

MyRehab doesn’t just offer treatment; we offer a community. The sense of belonging and shared experiences among clients and staff alike contribute significantly to the healing process, reinforcing the belief that you are not alone in this journey.

Choosing MyRehab means choosing a path to recovery that is compassionate, comprehensive, and carefully crafted to meet your unique needs. It’s about embracing a new way of living, supported by professionals dedicated to your well-being and success every step of the way.

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Getting Started with MyRehab: Your First Steps to Recovery:

Embarking on the path to recovery requires courage, and at MyRehab, we strive to make your first steps as clear and supportive as possible. Beginning your journey with us involves a few crucial steps designed to ensure you receive the tailored, comprehensive care that best suits your individual needs. Here is how you can get started:

Reach Out for a Confidential Consultation:

The first step towards recovery with MyRehab is to make contact. Our compassionate and knowledgeable admissions team is ready to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide you with information about our program. This initial conversation is confidential and serves as a judgement-free opportunity to discuss how we can support you.

Undergo a Comprehensive Assessment:

Before admission, you’ll undergo a thorough assessment to help us understand your unique situation, substance use history, and any co-occurring mental health conditions. This process allows us to tailor a treatment plan that aligns with your specific recovery needs.

Personalized Care:

Recognizing that no two journeys to recovery are the same, we emphasize personalized care. Every treatment plan is tailored to the individual’s needs, preferences, and circumstances. This bespoke approach maximizes the potential for recovery and long-term success.

Discuss Financial and Medical Aid Options:

We believe financial concerns should not be a barrier to your recovery. Our team will discuss with you the available financial options, including assistance with medical aid pre-authorization and a clear outline of treatment costs, ensuring you can make informed decisions without unexpected burdens.

Prepare for Your Stay:

Once enrolled, we’ll guide you through preparing for your stay at MyRehab. You’ll receive detailed information on what to bring, the structure of daily life in our facility, and how to prepare mentally and emotionally for the journey ahead.

Treatment Begins:

With the preliminary steps complete, your treatment journey begins. Rooted in our evidence-based, multidisciplinary approach, your personalized treatment plan will involve a combination of individual therapy, group sessions, medical care, and support services designed to address all aspects of your well-being.

Ongoing Support and Aftercare Planning:

Recovery is a lifelong journey, and MyRehab is committed to supporting you beyond your initial treatment phase. Together, we will develop an aftercare plan that maintains the momentum of your recovery, incorporating relapse prevention strategies and extended care services.

Taking the first steps with MyRehab means embarking on a supported journey towards healing and transformation. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the process, ensuring that you feel empowered, understood, and hopeful about your future.

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